
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pretty Blogshop owner/s lacking in education

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Don't know what's up, but it seems that the owner/s of 'Pretty Blogshop' have a bone to pick with one segment of the Singaporean society.

So let us give them some education.

1. According to the owner/s of Pretty Blogshop, Malay is a weird language.

Weird as it seems, Malay is still the national language. Ever wondered why the national anthem is in Malay? It has the right to be the only language spoken in Singapore in the first place. So please, be educated.

2. According to the owner/s of Pretty Blogshop, Malays pray towards an onion.

First of all, there is a difference between being Malays and being Muslims. Malay is a race, while Muslims are followers of the religion Islam.

Secondly, it's not an "onion". It's a minaret. Minarets act as a ventilation mechanism. It also helps to amplify the call to prayers with how it's designed and shaped.

Thirdly, Muslims do not pray towards any onion-shaped thing. However, Muslims do pray towards the Kaaba in Mecca, as a form of unity. No matter where they are, Muslims all pray towards one direction.

3. According to the owner/s of Pretty Blogshop, Malays fast, yet so fat. Even London Weight Management cannot help them.

The purpose of fasting during Ramadhan is not to lose weight. Ramadhan in simple terms, is to encourage Muslims to be more charitable and to experience for one month, how it is like for the less fortunate to not have basic needs like food and water.

Also, as Muslims are only able to eat and drink from dusk till dawn during Ramadhan, food stored is harder to break down and thus become fat. As this time window is also when most Muslims (or people in general) perform less physical activity, even less fat is burned as a result.

Hope you have gotten yourself some education, Pretty Blogshop!

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