
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Olympics: Errol Spence's Olympic Loss Overturned

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Amateur boxing's governing body overturned DeSoto welterweight boxer Errol Spence Jr. loss five hours after the Texas southpaw lost to India's Krishan Vikas, 13-11, on Friday.

The International Amateur Boxing Association said that its competition jury reviewed video of the fight and found that Spence should have been awarded more points because the referee only gave one caution despite a total of nine holding fouls in the third round alone.

The referee should have given Vikas at least two warnings, the AIBA said. Spence should have been awarded at least four points because of that, making the final score 13-15 in favor of Spence, the AIBA said.

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Spence moves on to the quarterfinals as Team USA Boxing's only hope for a medal in the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. He faces Russia's Andrey Zamkovoy on Tuesday.

He is currently the top-ranked amateur welterweight in the country and fifth-ranked in the world.

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