
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Islamic history showcase at the Asian Civilisations Museum

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Once upon a time, a king called Iskander beat Persia in the battle of Gaugamela and went down in Islamic history as one of the greatest heroes of all time. But if you're wondering why you've never heard of Iskandar, that's because you know him as Alexander the Great.

This little nugget of information just part of your one stop immersion into Islamic history in the form of Treasures of the Aga Khan Museum: Architecture in Islamic Arts, currently on show at the Asian Civilisations Museum.

"We hope this exhibition provides a deeper insight into Islamic civilisations by revitalising historic cities in Muslim history," says Luis Monreal, general manager of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture.

Director of ACM, Alan Chong, adds, "Islamic Arts is essential to Singapore not just for knowledge, but getting a sense of shared values and cultures."

This, and the parallel exhibition, Islamic Arts from Southeast Asia, bring to the forefront detailed artworks and pieces of architecture from the Iranian and Ottoman empires, among others.

True to the spirit of architecture, the Asian Civilisations Museum is the first in the world to effectively showcase nine corbels of Aga Khan in its functionality and purpose. Additionally, the exhibition had to be worked around the 12 stone pillars of ACM, an architectural feature of the heritage building itself.

Singapore is the final destination of this exhibition, which started seven years ago. The artefacts will return to their final residence, the brand new Aga Khan Museum in Toronto, some time in October, in line with the Museum's scheduled opening.

Click here to view some of the exhibits.

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