
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Olympics: Kayaker given penalty by his mother

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Talk about strict parenting.

New Zealand kayaker Mike Dawson made the semifinals of the kayak slalom at the Olympics despite being given a two-second penalty by his mother Kay - who is a judge at the games.

Dawson touched gate five when going down the 18-gate Olympic course on Sunday, and his mother didn't hesitate to penalize her son. It was one of two two-second penalties Dawson received, but he still advanced to the semis.

Dawson joked that he was tempted to get his coach to put in a protest. His coach is father Les. That would have made dinner time at the Dawsons even more awkward.

Dawson says Kay's penalty 'definitely dispels any hint of bias and I wouldn't have it any other way.' He says he'll be trying his best to keep his mother 'unoccupied' in his semifinal run on Wednesday.

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