
Friday, June 15, 2012

Volunteers and AVA should work together to tackle pet abandonment

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From Tan Ai Ling

I read the report "Speed up efforts to regulate pet trade, SPCA urges" (June 9) with equal parts anger and frustration.

Irresponsible, wannabe owners are aware of the fates of abandoned pets: Being run over, starving to death or attacked. But the numbers have gone up because owners are also aware that no one can trace their nasty deed.

The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) conducts licensing checks to "safeguard the welfare of animals in dog farms and pet shops", but how successful would these be in reducing pet abandonment if the crux of the problem is not addressed?

AVA's efforts and animal welfare groups' dialogues with important people have not resulted in much support in this area. Education must be backed by pre-emptive and preventive measures.

Singapore is a model of efficiency; we initiate and implement policies at every level to improve lives and create a society we can be proud of. So, I support the call to microchip and license at the point of sale.

Tireless volunteers spend time and effort to educate, but they need to work in partnership with the AVA. Only the latter can support the implementation of business practices and enforce them, or else it would be an exercise in futility.

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