
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Seattle's Eddie the eagle's mate moves on

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A bald eagle known to locals as Eva delivers a just-caught
fish to her eaglets. Eva's mate Eddie was killed by a bus
last year, but she now has a new mate and young to raise.
It's probably what Eddie would have wanted: new life and new hope blossoming in the wake of tragedy.

Motorists who traveled the 520 bridge last August were sad to learn that a bald eagle they had come to know as Eddie, regularly seen on lampposts along the bridge route, mysteriously flew in front of a bus and was killed.

It wasn't clear whether he had been trying to pluck a dead animal off the roadway, or perhaps saw his reflection in a bus window and tried to scare it away.

At the time, many wondered: What would become of his mate, known as Eva? Bald eagles typically mate for life. Would she leave the area, abandoning the nest the couple shared above the golf course at Broadmoor Country Club?

The answers are now known. Eva and another male eagle are at home on the nest, and recent photos show a new crop of eaglets. Both adult birds have been bringing small fish to the nest for their offspring.

Bird-watcher and blogger Larry Hubbell, who follows the eagles' lives and provides reports to readers at unionbaywatch.blogspot.com, said the saga of fragility and resilience reinforces the importance of protecting urban wetlands.

"Eva's focus on the future demonstrates nature's cure for bereavement," Hubbell wrote, adding that "once again there is new life in the nest that Eddie built."

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