
Friday, June 15, 2012

Popular Indian guru bailed over assault charges

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A popular Indian guru facing a series of assault and sexual abuse charges was granted bail on Thursday, a day after he turned himself in to authorities.

Five women complained to local media earlier this month they were abused by Swami Nithyananda, while a television reporter was allegedly assaulted last week after raising the abuse allegations during the press conference at his ashram.

Nithyananda was released from police custody after lodging a 50,000 rupee (S$1,150) bond at the court in Ramanagar, 35 kilometres (20 miles) from Bangalore. He was granted bail on the assault charges, but the sex abuse charges were not considered by the court.

The 35-year-old was taken into custody on Wednesday for questioning over accusations of assault at a press conference and separate allegations of sex abuse at his retreat in the southern state of Karnataka.

Nithyananda, one of many Hindu gurus in India who attract large numbers of devoted followers, walked out of the court smiling and thanked his cheering supporters.

In 2010, the guru was held in jail for 53 days over a sex-video scandal.

When a local television station aired footage purportedly showing him fondling two women, angry villagers attacked his ashram, where followers practise spiritual teachings and yoga.

Nithyananda said the video was fake and he was eventually freed on bail.

Nithyananda runs a website that claims Nithyananda has 10 million followers in 150 countries, and that his movement is "the fastest-growing spiritual community (centred) around the youngest living enlightened master."

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