
Friday, June 15, 2012

NUS to investigate professor's LSD comment

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Associate Professor Shi Yuzhi, a Chinese language and linguistics professor at National University of Singapore (NUS) who hails from China, has stirred controversy by suggesting on his blog that youths be allowed to consume psychedelic drugs in the name of producing a generation of creative thinkers.

In response to TODAY's queries, NUS distanced itself from Assoc Prof Shi's comments. Its spokesperson said that the NUS Department of Chinese Studies has contacted Assoc Prof Shi and the university is investigating the matter.

In a blog post dated on Tuesday, Assoc Prof Shi wrote in Mandarin that he was writing a book titled, "Why China cannot produce a Steve Jobs". Mr Jobs, the late Apple CEO, had publicly credited his use of LSD as a major reason for his success.

Referring to China, Assoc Prof Shi wrote: "Can this society be more open ... to not immediately dismiss the use of psychedelic drugs? ... To produce a master in inventions, we need an open-minded environment."

He added: "Without harming personal health, allowing young people to consume hallucinogenic drugs is not necessarily a bad thing".

The blog post has since drawn a raft of responses from netizens. Some disagreed with him, citing the negative consequences of drug consumption, but others felt there were some elements of truth in his argument. A handful of netizens called on NUS to sack the professor.

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