
Friday, June 15, 2012

Nokia to cut up to 10,000 jobs globally by end 2013

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Finland's Nokia, one of the world's biggest mobile phone makers, announced Thursday that it planned to cut up to 10,000 jobs by the end of next year due to massive additional cost-savings measures.

"These planned reductions are a difficult consequence of the intended actions we believe we must take to ensure Nokia's long-term competitive strength," company chief executive Stephen Elop said in a statement.

Nokia was earlier this year bumped from the world's biggest mobile phone maker spot it had held for 14 years.

The company said it has been undergoing a major restructuring for more than a year would need to implement much bigger cost-saving measures than previously expected. It also announced a massive management reshuffle.

Nokia has since early 2011 been restructuring and phasing out its Symbian smartphones in favour of a partnership with Microsoft. That alliance has produced a first line of Lumia smartphones.

Nokia is depending heavily on the new phones to help it survive in a rapidly changing landscape with RiM's Blackberry, Apple's iPhone and handsets running Google's Android platform take growing bites out of its market share.

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