
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Khoo Swee Chiow targets world's most dangerous K2 peak

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A Singaporean mountaineer is aiming to become the first South-east Asian to scale K2 - regarded by many as the world's most dangerous peak.

An experienced climber, Mr Khoo Swee Chiow has tackled Everest three times since 1998, stood atop the highest mountains on seven continents and even visited the North and South Poles.

But he said scaling K2 - a 'magnet for mountaineers' - has been a long-cherished dream. 'It inspires me and yet, instils fear,' he added. 'The name itself is so simple and yet, powerful.'

At 8,116m above sea level, the Pakistani mountain is 732m lower than Everest. But a combination of factors renders it more daunting, Mr Khoo explained.

The mixed ground of rock, ice and snow, combined with the steeper incline, means climbers need to be skilled in a variety of techniques. Rockfalls, avalanches and fickle weather are also a real concern.

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