
Sunday, April 1, 2012

NO kidnap cases so far: Police

Police said there are no cases of kidnapping or abductions so far, following investigations.

Police said on Saturday that they're aware that postings are still being circulated online, alleging that young children have been led away by strangers in public places.

They have urged the public to refrain from re-posting or further circulating unsubstantiated information as this may cause unnecessary alarm.

Police said anyone who comes across such encounters or spot someone behaving suspiciously should call 999 immediately.

They have advised parents and caregivers to protect their children from becoming victims of crime.

They should ensure that young children are accompanied at all times, and should not leave the child out of sight as well as teaching them not to follow strangers. Parents and caregivers should also inform the school or childcare centre if they've arranged for someone else to fetch the child.

Police have also advised childcare centres and pre-schools to ensure that only the rightful parents or appointed guardians are allowed to come in contact with their children.

Police said kidnapping is a very serious offence in Singapore and carries the death penalty or life imprisonment.

Related: DON'T circulate "kidnap" postings: Police

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