
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Marina car crash: Wife dies, hubby nabbed for drink driving

Man trying to pry open the mangled car door.
Shrouded in white is his dead wife in the front passenger seat.
The car he was driving crashed into a parked bus near the Marina Centre Bus Terminal on Sunday.

The impact killed his 25-year-old wife and left the driver, who seems to be in his 20s, inconsolable.

He was seen trying to pry open a mangled car door in order to get to his dead wife inside.

Officers from the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) later prised open the door but the woman was already dead, a security guard told Chinese evening daily Shin Min.

The man came out of the accident, which took place at about 8am, with facial and hand injuries.

Mr Anthony Ang, 57, a passer-by who was in the area at that time, told The New Paper (TNP) that the male driver had looked drunk.

Mr Ang said the man was "hysterical and sobbing". No one dared to approach him since he shouted at anyone who did so.

Later the man took off his shirt and was involved in a stand-off with the police, who arrived at about 8.20am, Shin Min reported.

He then ran into a workers' quarters nearby and was followed by police and Singapore Civil Defence Force personnel.

But that was not the end. The man ran to the end of the road and back, flailing his arms in the air, TNP reported.

It was only at about 8.30am that the man calmed down and agreed to go to the hospital.

An SCDF spokesman said the woman was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics.

According to a police spokesman, the man was later arrested for drink driving and causing death by a rash act.

Anguish and grief at Marina
Click on thumbnail to view. (Photos: Shin Min )

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