
Friday, March 30, 2012

Wheelchair-bound girl thrown off bridge by a group of men

Paraplegic girl goes bungee jumping
HOISTED up high on a bridge, a woman in a wheelchair is suddenly tossed over the edge by a group of men.

Moments after, she let out a scream - but it didn't sounded nothing like fear, instead of exhilaration.
At first glance, it looks like a prank gone wrong.

But the dare devil stunt was, in fact, the fulfillment of a life-long dream for 25-year-old Christine Rougoor who always wanted to attempt bungee jumping.

In the one-minute video, Rougoor is seen free falling some 150ft into the ravine at Whistler, British Columbia, as her chair is secured by a rubber safety rope. The momentum of the bungee cord tosses her back and forth and as it recoils, she gestures thumbs-up.

The heart-stopping video has attracted more than half a million views on video sharing platform YouTube so far.

Rougoor, who is a high school teacher, was involved in a biking accident in 2008 which left her paralysed waist down. According to Canada's CTV news, she also broke every bone in her face in the accident.

But the thrill-seeker did not let that get to her. She submitted a video to 9Lives Adventure, a company which specialises in extreme sports for disabled people, telling them why she wanted a chance to go bungee jumping or snowmobiling, and won.

Founder of 9Lives, Karim Ladki, who broke his neck several years ago but experienced full recovery, told CTV that he started the company to help people with disabilities live an active and adventurous lifestyle.

Recapping the moments of adrenalin, Rougoor told CTV that her heart leaps every time she watches the footage. "I would do it again in a heartbeat," she said in a Daily Mail report.

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