
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Video: Woman flung out after bus crashes into her car in Yishun

The accident happened at 9.35am on 17 March, at the junction of Yishun Ave 2 and Yishun Ring Road, according to Lianhe Wanbao.

The small-sized car had been making a right turn at the junction when it was hit by a bus.

The impact caused the car to spin 180 degrees and the passenger-side car door opened unexpectedly to fling a woman passenger onto the road.

A young male driver, still stunned by the accident, dashed to check on the woman lying on the road.

However, he appeared at a complete loss of what to do in the one-minute video.

The whole scene was caught on a camera mounted in a taxi, and has since been uploaded onto the internet.

Netizens generally seemed amazed at the woman's narrow brush with death but also lambasted her for not putting on a seat belt.

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