
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Attacker in Afghan uniform kills 3 NATO troops

Afghan security forces killed three foreign troops, including two British soldiers, on Monday — the latest in a growing number of attacks in which Afghan forces have turned their guns on their international partners.

The two British service members were gunned down by an Afghan soldier in front of the main gate of a joint civilian-military base in southern Afghanistan, according to the U.S.-led coalition.

Another NATO service member, whose nationality wasn't disclosed, was shot dead at a checkpoint in eastern Afghanistan by a man who was believed to be a member of a village-level fighting force the U.S. is fostering in hopes of countering the Taliban insurgency.

International forces have faced a series of so-called "green on blue" attacks in which Afghan security forces have gunned down their international colleagues or mentors. Such strikes have become increasingly common over the past year, particularly since the burning of Qurans at a U.S. base in February.

Allegations that a U.S. soldier killed 17 Afghan civilians in a shooting spree earlier this month also has stoked sentiment against foreign forces.

The top commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan said such attacks were to be expected when fighting insurgencies.

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