
Thursday, January 26, 2012

S'pore comes up with new media transcoding technology

If you wanted to view a movie on multiple platforms such as the iPhone, computer and High Definition TV, you would normally have to create multiple files of the movie for the range of bandwidths and device resolations.

Now with a new technology, all you would need to do is download a single file. With just a one-time encoding process, the source file can be loaded and read anytime, anywhere and on any device.

The Scalable Multimedia Platform (SMP) technology, created by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research's (A*STAR) Institute for Infocomm Research, is to be developed and marketed by local e-solutions provider Reachfield IT Solutions.

This technology simplifies the current media transcoding process and benefits video hosting service providers by creating a single 'layered' source file that can adapt automatically to the device and bandwidth of end users, providing substantial savings storage space and minimises the man-hours needed for file transcoding.

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