
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Singapore bracing for silver tsunami

From increasing the amenities and services to enlarging the pool of seniors who can benefit from these initiatives, the Government is moving into higher gear in anticipation of a surge in demand that would hit the Republic in less than a decade.

This, as industry players voice concern that Singapore is not developing the eldercare sector quickly enough, with issues such as funding and manpower impeding progress.

By 2020, some 600,000 people will be above 65, or about 15 per cent of the population. From that point onwards, the society's pace of ageing will start to accelerate.

Health Minister Gan Kim Yong stressed: "We need to act now ... in view of the more rapid pace of ageing post-2020, we need to ramp up aged care services and facilities significantly ... We cannot wait for the increase in needs to materialise before we start to build more facilities."

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  1. Silver tsunami in Singapore

    Medical Guardian providing services to individuals from all religions and races, including children, families, people with special and healthcare needs and the elderly.

    to get more - https://medicalguardian.com.sg/homecare-home-adaption-contractors/


  2. Silver tsunami in Singapore

    Medical Guardian providing services to individuals from all religions and races, including children, families, people with special and healthcare needs and the elderly.

    to get more - https://medicalguardian.com.sg/homecare-home-adaption-contractors/
