
Monday, January 16, 2012

Honest homeless man returns 7,000 euros

Homeless Austrian man Hermann Schleichert had 80 cents (one dollar) and an empty packet of cigarettes in his pocket on a cold Boxing Day evening when he found 7,000 euros (S$11,500) on the pavement.

But instead of seeing the cash as a late Christmas present, the 48-year-old, who was staying in a Vienna homeless shelter and hostel for recovering alcoholics, took his find to the police.

"I picked up the envelope and saw there was a bundle of cash inside. All 500-euro notes!," he said. "Not even for a second did I think about keeping the money. That would have been theft."

The real owner of the money later reported his loss to police and got his cash back - but is yet to thank Schleichert.

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