
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Two US airmen gunned down at German airport

FRANKFURT AIRPORT, Germany: The air force personnel had just flown from Britain to Frankfurt, one of Europe's busiest airports, and were about to travel to the nearby Ramstein US airbase when the gunman boarded their bus and opened fire, German police said.
German authorities said the assailant, seized and arrested in the terminal building reportedly still with large amounts of ammunition and his handgun, was 21 and originally from Muslim-majority Kosovo in southeastern Europe.

A police source in Pristina said the suspect was an ethnic Albanian from the town of Mitrovica in the north of the disputed territory, and that he was not on record as having fallen foul of the law before.

The US military said that the names of those killed in Frankfurt on Wednesday were being withheld until 24 hours after notification of next of kin.


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