
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Man jailed for mixing semen into colleagues' drinks

SINGAPORE: In the first case of its kind, a man who mixed his semen into his ex-colleagues' drinks was jailed on Wednesday for 18 months.

35-year-old Sim Keng Tee, who was a civilian officer at the Singapore Police Force, admitted that he committed the offences between February 21, 2008 and April 3, 2008.

Two women who used to work with him drank the tainted water without their knowledge.
The court heard that Sim also recorded them consuming their drinks by using his mobile phone camera.

The medium-built, bespectacled man then saved the clips onto his personal computer at home.

These acts of mischief only came to light after another female colleague caught him recording an underskirt video of her at their workplace on September 10, last year.

She lodged a police report and the authorities raided his Farrer Road flat soon afterwards.

Officers seized items including hard disks and thumb drives from his home and they found the incriminating videos after combing through the files.

Sim pleaded guilty on November 24 to eight counts of taking underskirt videos and two counts of mischief.

149 other charges which were mainly for taking upskirt images of women were taken into consideration.

Sim could have been jailed up to a year and fined for each charge for tainting his ex-colleagues' drinks.

He could have also been jailed up to a year and fined for each charge for taking underskirt images of the women without their consent.


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