
Thursday, November 25, 2010

'No' to compulsory preschool

SINGAPORE - Despite a robust debate on the subject, Parliament yesterday once again turned down calls to legislate preschool education and make it compulsory.

Nominated Members of Parliament Viswa Sadasivan and Audrey Wong had motioned for a comprehensive review of preschool education in Singapore.

Mr Sadasivan said Singapore's preschool and primary school education systems are on the right track. But what is needed is some finetuning to reduce the incidence of undesired outcomes.

He said: "It is evident that a child who goes to Primary One today without attending kindergarten classes is highly disadvantaged... this is because at Primary One, you are assumed to be able to read or at least are expected to know your ABC, and have basic numeracy skills."

Minister of State (Education) Masagos Zulkifli, who proposed an amendment to the motion, emphasised that educational approaches must be appropriate for the child's stage of development.

Mr Masagos said: "The Preschool Review Committee does not support the approach for preschool to be part of the formal education sector or made compulsory.

"It would also be unwise to prescribe for operators uniform curriculum and modes of delivery, or introduce inappropriate academic standards. Instead, we must ensure that all our preschools meet good minimum standards and that all children can afford to attend these preschools."

Mrs Yu-Foo Yee Shoon, Minister of State for Community Development, Youth and Sports, gave the assurance that "no child will be deprived of preschool education because of financial constraints".


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