
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Swiss mull tougher rules for foreigners, minimum tax

A year after successfully backing a push for the country to ban the construction of minarets, the far-right Swiss People's Party has mounted another aggressive campaign.

This time they want to get Switzerland to clamp down on foreigners guilty of certain crimes by stripping them of their right to remain.
Its signature poster illustrates a white sheep kicking a black sheep out of the Swiss flag. Another poster depicts a gangster-like man with the slogan "Ivan S., rapist, and soon a Swiss?"

"It's very simple: we think that people we welcome in Switzerland should respect the rules of this country," Fabrice Moscheni, president of the SVP in canton Vaud, told AFP.

"If they don't respect these rules, they should be going away and expelled from our territory," he added.

"If you welcome somebody to your house, and he comes and destroys everything, I don't think you want him to come back."


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