
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

No jail for for knife attack youths

TWO youths were sentenced to the Reformative Training Centre on Wednesday for stabbing another in his back.


Sean Lim Zhi Han, 18, and Alfrey Koh Chan Hoe, 17, had earlier admitted to causing hurt to student Vincent Koh, 17, with knives at Elias Mall Shopping Centre on April 8.

A Community Court heard that the victim had stepped out of a LAN gaming shop for a smoke at the mall when he saw Lim and Koh approaching him from across the road.

Lim accused the victim of staring at them. There was an exchange, and the victim fled, pursued by Lim and Koh. They attacked the victim after he had tripped and fallen.

Despite the pain, the victim picked himself up and ran. He saw the duo chasing him with a foldable knife each.

Further investigation showed that Lim was angry with the victim's friend, known as Gordon, for apparently posting some bad remarks at him on the Internet.

After buying the weapons at Causeway Point, Lim and Koh went to the gaming shop at Pasir Ris, to cause hurt to Gordon or his friends.

The victim was warded for six days for four stab wounds on the back and another on the right upper arm.

Both could have been jailed for up to seven years or fined or caned or received any combined punishment.


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