
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What do newlyweds want in a flat?

Letter from Gerald Giam

I REFER to the commentary by Mr Mah Bow Tan ("Buying a flat? Choose wisely", Oct 15).

His quip about how some Singaporean men propose to their future spouses with the offer of an application for an HDB flat aptly reflects the strong desire among couples to own a home of their own once they get married. It is therefore regrettable that in the past few years, public housing prices - and hence these dreams - have soared out of reach from so many young couples.
Although Mr Mah stated that that premium flats form only a fraction of the new flats offered, it begs the question of whether there is the need for the Housing and Development Board to build premium flats in the first place.

Perhaps the HDB should reconsider its aims and focus on building more basic, functional flats in order to meet the urgent housing demands of many young couples. LINK

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