
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

So what if a medal wasn't likely? Ang Peng Siong should be punished

Letter from Jeffrey Law Lee Beng

I READ with concern the report, "It's a minor mistake and Ang should not be punished, says swim chief" (Oct 11).

Whether it is major or minor, a mistake is a mistake, and it is paramount that one should learn from it and ensure that it is not repeated.
While coach Ang Peng Siong (picture) did the right thing by apologising for the slip-up, it irks me to read Singapore Swimming Association president Jeffrey Leow's remark that the mistake was trivial as our swimmers were not expected to win medals.

Is he sending the message that our sportsmen should not try to excel in competitions in which they have hardly a chance to win? MORE


Letter from Lim Beng Lee

MUCH as no one wants to see Ang Peng Siong punished, some form of reprimand is necessary.

If Ang had left for the venue one hour before the deadline for the submission of entries, taking into account the possibility of traffic delays en route, nobody would blame him. But he did not; instead he left for the venue 15 minutes before the closing time for entries.

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