
Monday, October 18, 2010

Jailed for insulting modesty

A COFFEESHOP supervisor was jailed for one month on Monday for hiding a mobile phone in an empty shampoo container to record a video of a woman showering in the toilet.

Poh Cher Boon, 51, had earlier admitted to two charges of insulting the modesty of a 29-year-old foreign worker showering on Feb 7 and 8 last year.

A court heard that Poh had bought the cellphone a day earlier and came up with the idea of using it to video record the victim, a coffeeshop assistant, in the shower.

Subsequently, the victim's housemates found the mobile phone while using the bathroom.

Another similar charge and two of using insulting behaviour to cause harassment to three others were considered. Poh could have been jailed for up one year or fined or jailed and fined. LINK

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