
Friday, September 24, 2010

My review on the movie 'Invictus'

By Tuff Daddy

'Invictus' is Latin for 'Unconquerable'. This movie is directed by Clint Eastwood, starring Morgan Freeman as Nelson Mandela and a buff Matt Damon as the 1995 South African Springboks national rugby team captain, Francois Pienaar.
If you can relate to sports, you will understand this movie better I guess. That said, this movie isn't just about rugby. It's a feel good movie that inspires the underdog in you by combining rugby, history and world affairs as a mode to deliver the message.

What message?

The message is simple. If every one stands up and be counted; if every single person puts in something towards one single goal, it can be achieved.

Sometimes people, whether individuals or part of a group need to be reminded and be led to realize why they do what they do. That leader has got to have the belief he believes that his men should share in believing in. That leader has got to lead from the front.

In comes Nelson Mandela, fresh out of a cell for political prisoners in Robben Island after about 30 years in 1990 and newly-elected as President of South Africa in 1994, who roped in Francois Pienaar, captain of the previously mediocre 1995 South African Springboks national rugby team, which besides one black guy, was made up entirely of Afrikaners (this is what they call their "Ang Mohs" or "Bulehs" or "Farangs" or "Mat Saleh" in some parts of Southeast Asia).

Their mission - To "balance black aspirations with white fears." To make 43 million South Africans believe that no matter what clan they belong to, or what the colour their skins are, or what language they speak; the time is now for the country to come together after years of apartheid.

South Africa was hosting the Rugby World Cup that year; the first time ever it was hosting any international sporting event and Mandela felt, with billions of people following the tournament from the world over, that it was an excellent moment to showcase the world about South Africa's greatness. Through greatness, then the people of South Africa will believe that their country is truly one.

They might have overdone things on that count ;) Watch the movie yourself. All I will say is that I really can relate to this movie. The Rugby World Cup 1995 in South Africa was what got me into rugby.

I thank whatever gods may be;
For my unconquerable soul.
I am the master of my fate;
I am the captain of my soul.
- extracted from the poem 'Invictus' by William Ernest Henkey

Here are some videos, courtesy of YouTube. If you're pressed for time, just go to the last one. It's the best of the three :)

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