
Saturday, November 8, 2014

Two health products found to contain 'potent, undeclared' ingredients: HSA

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The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) on Friday (Nov 7) issued an advisory warning the public that two illegal health products available locally were found to contain "potent, undeclared ingredients".

The two products - Li Da Daidaihua Weight Loss Capsule and Du Zhong Jin Gu Wan - had undeclared ingredients such as Sibutramine, Chlorpheniramine and Dexamethsone.

HSA said Li Da Daidaihua Weight Loss Capsule was sold through the Internet, while Du Zhong Jin Gu Wan was purchased by a woman in her 70s for joint pains from an acquaintance.

A Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner alerted the HSA, expressing concern after his patient reported immediate pain relief from consuming the latter product.

"Although HSA has not received any adverse reaction reports associated with the two products, there may be unreported cases of consumers who experienced possible adverse effects without realising that they were caused by these products. They may also not have informed their doctors that they had taken these products," HSA stated.

Of the ingredients discovered, sibutramine has been disallowed for sale in Singapore and many other countries since October 2010 because of safety concerns about cardiovascular-related risks.

Members of the public who are consuming the two health products are advised on the following:

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