
Friday, November 7, 2014

Desperate wife reaches out seeking liver donors for cancer-stricken husband

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She didn't know who else to turn to, so she went to the media and online, asking people to help her ailing husband.

Her request was for potential liver donors to step forward.

The plea resulted in more than 40 strangers offering to be a donor for Mr Jason Mah, 34, a former bartender, who has liver cancer.

His wife Serene Koh, 27, told The New Paper on Monday: "I was so heartened to receive so many responses.

"Seeing so many brave people step forward to offer themselves to be a donor, despite them not knowing my husband, is something I am so grateful for."

The human resource executive had approached the media, including The New Paper, for help. She had left a message on our Facebook page on Nov 1.

"As a wife, it is quite painful to see my husband go from being such a happy-go-lucky person to someone who has to suffer through so much pain. That's why I want to do all I can to help him find a suitable organ and recover from this ordeal," said Ms Koh.

Since then, Ms Koh has been inundated with calls and messages offering her support. During this interview at the hospital yesterday, she had to answer a 10-minute call from someone expressing an interest in being a donor.

Ms Koh said she will check if these prospective donors have the right blood type and weight. She then gets them to contact the transplant coordinator.

So far, they have yet to find a match.

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