
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Thailand issues alert for H7N9 virus after deaths in China

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Thailand's Public Health Department has set up nationwide surveillance for H7N9 bird-flu virus after three people in China were infected and two died.

The system includes a lab test for confirmation, Surveillance Rapid Response Teams (SRRTs) and a check at hospitals across the country for patients with symptoms similar to severe pneumonia and flu, Public Health Minister Pradit Sinthawana-rong said yesterday.

So far, no patients have been found and there have been no reports of H5N1 bird-flu cases for the past five years. The Bureau of Epidemiology will also work with local and foreign agencies on this alert.

China announced on Sunday that three people were infected with the H7N9 virus, and two of them died.

Pradit said this is the first time that H7N9 had been transmitted from animals to humans and Chinese authorities have quarantined 88 others in close contact with the three who died, while trying to ascertain the cause of infection.

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