
Monday, April 1, 2013

Rise in muggings and attacks on Chinese tourists in Paris

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Mass muggings and attacks on Chinese tourists in Paris have spawned alarm and warnings of a decline in the number of free-spending visitors from the Asian giant who swarm to France.

Mr Li Peng, who is in charge of consular affairs at the Chinese embassy in Paris, said: "There has been an increase in the number of complaints filed over the past year."

On March 20, a group of 23 Chinese visitors were robbed in a restaurant shortly after they landed in Paris's Charles De Gaulle airport.

Their passports, plane tickets and cash were stolen and the group leader sustained an injury to the face.

He said about 10 Chinese visitors were robbed on one day in October, mainly in the famed Louvre museum, right in the heart of the city.

And in February, "a minibus caught in a traffic jam was attacked, its windows were smashed and hand bags stolen," he said, adding there was a more recent attack on Chinese nationals at a four-star hotel in Paris.

Mr Jean-Francois Zhou, the head of Ansel Travel, said the Chinese were targeted as they were big spenders, adding: "Some of them carry up to 20,000 euros (S$31,822) for shopping."

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