
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Dispatcher sends mom to the rescue

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A 911 dispatcher in Washington state called on her own mother to rescue a stranded boater in the Columbia River, knowing her mother could kayak to the area faster than sending the sheriff’s office patrol boat.

A 45-year-old kayaker was hanging onto a log piling Sunday afternoon after her kayak sank in swift current near a jetty, Wahkiakum County dispatcher Raedyn Grasseth told The Daily News (http://is.gd/hz2NYs ).

The woman was paddling with a companion when her kayak sank.

The stranded woman “hung onto the jetty until she could climb up and get on to as much of the log piling as she could and waited,” Grasseth said. Meanwhile, her companion left to seek help.

Grasseth notified the sheriff’s office, then realized her mother, Cindy Faubion, and other members of her family lived nearby and could get there quicker.

She called her mother, who is a kayaker, who along with other family members quickly paddled to the piling in a kayak and a skiff.

The woman was eventually rescued. She was cold and shaken but did not otherwise require medical care.

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