
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The basics of indoor tug of war

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Again I don't claim to be an expert in tug of war. I've only learned outdoor tug of war 3 years ago and indoor tug of war, just last year.

However about two weeks ago, a friend of mine from the army where I used to serve my NS, asked for help - to hold a clinic for his guys so they could stand a chance in their Intra-Unit tug of war tournament this coming 11 October, Thursday.

So last week, another friend of mine, my team-mate in both club and country and I, went over to show them the uh, ropes. We all thought it was going to be in outdoor format, hence that was what we taught them.

However earlier today, while I was at work, the said army team's in charge called me to say that it was just made known to them YESTERDAY that the tug of war competition is going to be played on track (as in running track). I was like, "What???"

This completely threw us all off. There is not enough time. The competition's only two days away and I can't make it to their final training session tomorrow to put in some last minute effort due to work.

So I came up with this brilliant idea - to come up with an online guide with pictures, videos and all based on the indoor tug of war format which my team will be using this Thursday.

Here we go.

1) Indoor tug of war VS Outdoor tug of war

Indoor tug of war

Outdoor tug of war

Different technique, different holding, different stances, different ground, different shoes.

Only one thing is similar. Move backwards to win.

I'm going to talk about outdoor tug of war another time. Today we focus on indoor tug of war.

2) Holding

3) Stance



4) What else NOT to do

Employing the outdoor tug of war technique. It won't work. Don't try it.

"Prawning" (crouching over)

Staggered formation

Of course nothing beats real training but like I've mentioned, time is ticking. This will do for now. We'll talk about strategies another time.

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