
Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy Children's Day, here's 'Super Kancheong Style' parody to tickle you

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A Singapore parody of Gangnam Style, the mega-hit by South Korean rapper Psy, has caught the eye of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

PM Lee shared the video, which was produced for Children's Day today, and stars a seven- year-old boy, on his Facebook page on Thursday evening, saying that he "enjoyed" it.

He also said it was a "timely reminder to parents not to be so kancheong, and to let our kids have their childhood". Kancheong is Cantonese for "anxious". PM Lee touched on letting children enjoy their childhood and not "over-teaching" them in his National Day Rally speech in August. Then, he urged parents not to be overzealous about preparing their children for Primary 1.

And it is this hyperanxiety which this parody titled Super Kancheong Style takes a dig at. It was produced by digital publishing house Tickled Media and uploaded onto YouTube last Friday.

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