
Friday, May 11, 2012

Two SAF soldiers injured in vehicle accident

Two full-time National Servicemen (NSFs) of the Singapore Armed Forces were injured this morning, with one now in a critical condition.

The driver of the scout jeep the NSFs were in lost control of his vehicle, said the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF).

The two injured servicemen are 3rd sergeant (3SG) Tan Mou Sheng, 20, and 3SG Hong Dickson, 20, both from the School of Military Intelligence.

The driver and one other serviceman in the vehicle were not injured.

The accident happened at 6.50am at the training area in Marsiling.

MINDEF said an SAF medic started resuscitation efforts on 3SG Tan, who was unconscious, at 7.06am. He was evacuated via a safety vehicle to Nee Soon Camp Medical Centre and was attended to by an SAF doctor at 7.26am.

He was sent by ambulance to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (KTPH) at 7.35am and arrived at 7.45am. The SAF doctor continued to resuscitate him in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. He is currently in critical condition.

The other injured serviceman, 3SG Hong, sustained a laceration to his right leg and was attended to by another SAF medic.

He was evacuated via a safety vehicle to Nee Soon Camp Medical Centre, where another SAF doctor attended to him at 8.05am.

3SG Hong was sent by ambulance to KTPH where he received outpatient treatment and has been discharged.

The SAF is conducting an investigation to determine the cause of the incident.

ORIGINAL SOURCE: http://www.todayonline.com/Hotnews/EDC120511-0000130/2-NSFs-injured-in-vehicle-accident
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