
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Tweeters warned, Web isn't law-free

Twitter users were warned by Britain's top law officer that the Internet was not a law-free zone, and that he would not hesitate to take action over offending posts.

Amid a slew of high-profile court cases involving postings made on the micro-blogging site, Attorney General Dominic Grieve told BBC radio: "The idea that you have immunity because you're an anonymous tweeter is a big mistake. I don't want to take action but if I think it is necessary to prevent crime, such as racially aggravated harassment, then I won't hesitate to do it."

A student who mocked English Premier League footballer Fabrice Muamba on Twitter, after he collapsed on the pitch with a heart attack in March, was jailed for 56 days for a racially-aggravated public order offence.

Some 17 arrests have also been made in connection with the alleged naming on Twitter of the woman that Wales footballer Ched Evans was last month convicted of raping.

SOURCE: http://www.todayonline.com/World/EDC120513-0000027/UK-tweeters-warned,-Web-isnt-law-free
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