
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Stephanie does not have to put her studies on hold: Shanmugam

Law and Foreign Minister, K. Shanmugam, who is the Member of Parliament representative for the Nee Soon GRC, was at the wake of Mr Cheng Teck Hock, 52, the taxi driver who was killed in Saturday's accident involving a Ferrari.

The minister met with the family of the victim and assured the cabby's daughter, Stephanie Cheng, that she no longer has to worry about paying for her university education, reported The Straits Times.

Stephanie had previously told The New Paper that she has to put her university dreams on hold while she supports the family. She is the eldest of three children and her father was the family's sole breadwinner.

The minister said that the 21-year-old girl will not have to worry about her planned university education as long as she qualifies for a local university.

He posted on his Facebook saying: "I assured them that the eldest daughter can go to University if she qualifies and need not worry about money.

"I also assured Mrs Cheng that we will help them by raising funds and that they don't need to worry about their HDB flat. In addition I intend to get a lawyer to help them make a claim."

He added that an aid package is being put together to help with the needs of the family for the long-run, including their HDB flat. The details will be worked out with the family.

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