
Monday, May 7, 2012

Punggol residents complain of 'faeces bomber'

Punggol residents have been complaining that for the past two months, there has been a miscreant throwing 'faeces bombs' from the higher floors of their HDB block.

Shin Min Daily reported that the acts take place at Punggol Central, Block 161A.

The residents complained to the paper that the faeces throwing has caused the area to become dirty and disgusting, creating an unbearable stench.

A female resident who lives on the first floor of the block told the paper that the faeces throwing does not take place at a fixed time. Sometimes it happens as early as 7am, and at others, it happens only around dinner time.

The woman, who only gave her name as Zhou, said that in the beginning, only faeces was thrown. However, the attacks have now intensified, until urine sometimes pours down.

She said that once, when the family had sat down to eat their dinner, the smell suddenly struck, causing the family to abandon their dinner and eat out.

She said she believes the thrown faeces to be animal droppings.

Not only have the attacks dirtied the grounds of the HDB block, it has also caused the laundry hung by residents outside the windows to become smeared with faeces.

Another resident living on the eighth floor said that for the sake of avoiding the 'manure bombs', the family closes all the windows of the kitchen and toilet, and lights up aromatic oils to deodorise the apartment.

The residents said that they have brought their complaint to the town council. However, despite leaflets being distributed calling on residents to be civic-minded, the problem has not gone away.

The Chinese daily reporter interviewed residents of the higher floors who own pets, but they all denied throwing the faeces.

A National Environmental Agency (NEA) spokesperson said that they have received three complaints in just over a month.

To tackle the situation, they have laid an ambush in the HDB area and also installed a closed-circuit television camera to monitor the situation.

NEA staff have also visited the residents there to encourage them to report the culprit, and to remind them that the culprit has to bear the responsibility of the inconvenience caused to the other residents and cleaners.

ORIGINAL SOURCE: http://www.asiaone.com/News/Latest+News/Singapore/Story/A1Story20120506-344193.html
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