
Monday, May 7, 2012

More S'poreans are buying homes offshore

With tighter curbs on local property, more Singaporeans are looking offshore to buy investment homes.

And some are opting for affordable luxury, closer to home.

Only 30 minutes by boat from Singapore, one of Indonesia Batam's key selling points is proximity.

Savills' director of International Residential Sales Julian Sedgwick said: "Over the last two years, we've seen an increase of Singaporeans looking for holiday homes, and buying in close proximity to Singapore. It's about the buyer looking for ease and access, and that's what Bintan, Batam, Bali offer.

"Historically, buyers have always bought for investment in London, Sydney, New York, but we're also seeing people wanting a bit of luxury where they can invest, get a good return on their investment, but also to benefit from that investment."

One project that's seeing brisk sales is the five-star Montigo Resorts in Nongsa, known as the golf and resort side of Batam.

Half the lease-hold units that have been sold so far are going to Singaporeans.

The luxury villa costs less than one-tenth of what one will pay for a similar property in Singapore.

However, facing stiff competition from destinations like Bali and Phuket, Batam's pitch as a prime property market still has some way to go.

ORIGINAL SOURCE: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1199597/1/.html
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