
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hawking to be 'attractive and honourable profession': Dr Balakrishnan

Minister for Environment and Water Resources Vivian Balakrishnan said he hoped to see more Singaporeans pursue the hawking profession in the future.

Speaking on the sidelines of the opening of a child care centre today, Dr Balakrishnan said with more centres opening in the near future, the next step will be to encourage people to view hawking more favourably.

"To make sure that there are enough Singaporeans who want to go into this business ... I have to make sure that we send the message that there will be places available, there will be reasonable rentals," he said.

With the announcement of 10 new hawker centres to be built over the next 10 years, and the removal of minimum bids for stalls in April, rental prices of hawker stalls have dropped.

"All these factors mean that rentals are going to fall, and I'm quite happy for that to happen, because our key objective is to provide good and affordable food for Singaporeans out in the heartlands," Dr Balakrishnan said.

SOURCE: http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC120512-0000112/Hawking-to-be-attractive-and-honourable-profession--Dr-Balakrishnan
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