
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Economy, transport among issues to be discussed in Parliament on May 14

The state of the economy and transport issues are among the issues to be aired in Parliament when the House sits on Monday, May 14.

MP Lim Biow Chuan wants to know if the government plans to contain the increasing cost of living in Singapore, given the increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Nominated MP Mary Liew will ask Minister for Trade and Industry Lim Hng Kiang what is being done to control the current inflation rate, as well as his ministry's assessment of the inflation rate for the rest of 2012. She also wants to know what measures will be put in place to help Singaporeans cope with the higher cost of living.

MP Ang Wei Neng is asking if the government is considering taking more measures, other than appreciating the Singapore dollar, to reduce the CPI-All Items inflation rate for the rest of the year. He also wants to know how the inflation rate for the past 15 months has impacted the long-term goal of growing real wages by 30 per cent over the next decade.

Also on cost of living, NMP Teo Siong Seng wants to know whether the government will consider reviewing and reducing all taxes and charges levied by its departments and agencies to curb rising business costs and increased costs of living for the average Singaporean.

MP Denise Phua wants to know if the government will consider implementing the "shock therapy" proposed by Professor Lim Chong Yah to revamp the wages of low-income Singaporeans; and if so, what will the impact be on the economy, productivity and on businesses, especially SMEs.

MP Sylvia Lim will ask whether the government is tailoring specific solutions for wage growth in sectors where wage increases lag behind productivity gains; and if so, how will this be undertaken. She also wants to know whether the government is going to encourage wage growth to a living wage for Singaporeans in persistently low-wage occupations; and if so, how will this be achieved.

In public transport, the recent service disruptions and delays will be raised.

Mr Gerald Giam wants to know what the government will be doing to restore confidence in the reliability of the MRT system, in light of the recent service disruptions. He wants to know if the Land Transport Authority (LTA) will consider requiring public transport operators to offer fare discounts to commuters on specific MRT and LRT lines when performance falls below reliability standards. He also asked if these discounts, if any, can continue until expected standards are reached.

Mr Liang Eng Hwa has questions on the recent breakdowns at Bukit Panjang LRT. He is asking what more can the LTA and the LRT operator do to improve reliability and comfort for commuters, and whether the Bukit Panjang LRT system has served the residents well.

Still on transport issues, Ms Low Yen Ling has questions on Certificate of Entitlement (COE) premiums. She wants to know how these affect the cost of living, and whether the government will consider reviewing the COE system in view of the rising cost of living.

Mr Lim Biow Chuan is asking if the LTA will consider more measures to curb excessive bidding for COEs, such as a 'pay as you bid' system. He also wants to know if the LTA will prohibit car dealers from bidding for COEs and paying for the COE deposit on their customers' behalf to rein in rising prices.

ORIGINAL SOURCE: http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC120511-0000169/Economy,-transport-among-issues-to-be-discussed-in-Parliament
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