
Monday, May 7, 2012

Drunk female undergrad assaults four police officers

A female undergrad has been charged in court for assaulting police officers, causing one to be hospitalised for six days.

After a night out at Zouk on 26 October last year, undergraduate Natasha Wan Xue Wen took on four police officers, punching and head-butting the officers in drunken rage.

The court heard that at 3.50am that night, two patrolling policemen were passing Jiak Kim Street when they saw Wan, 24, her boyfriend Lim Zhao Ming and another man being escorted out of Zouk by bouncers.

Seeing that Mr Lim sported a cut near his right eye and had blood stains on his T-shirt, the officers approached the trio to ask if they were assaulted and whether they required treatment at a hospital.

In response, Mr Lim began yelling at the officers.

While the policemen tried to calm him down, Wan suddenly punched one of the officers on his chest.

Mr Lim and the other man pulled Wan away while an officer warned them about their behaviour.

Wan did not calm down but hurled vulgarities at the policemen.

Seeing that she was out of control, the officers summoned two female colleagues for help.

Wan remained uncooperative, shouting and gesturing wildly at the female officers when they tried to question her.

One of the female officers decided to arrest Wan for her unruly behaviour but the undergraduate responded by shoving them and flailing her arms at them.

On the way to the police station, Wan continued to struggle even while seated between the two female officers.

Wan head-butted one of the female officers on her forehead and tried to kick her left leg.

The other female officer tried to hold her down but was bitten by Wan on her left wrist instead.

She turned and tried to bite the other officer on her face and the policewoman tried to ward her off with her left hand.

In the melee, Wan bit the officer’s little finger and refused to let go until they reached the police station.

Wan was later found to have 172mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood, which is more than twice the legal limit for driving.

She faced seven charges in court on Friday for using abusive words and criminal force on public servants.

The female officer who was bitten on her finger was hospitalised for six days and received 13 days of medical leave.

The court has called for a probation report and Wan will return to court on 7 June

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