
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cop jailed for disobeying Police General Orders, having sex with suspect

A police officer first failed to comply with the instructions of the Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) to issue a warning to a Chinese national working here illegally. He then had a sexual relationship with the 29-year-old woman.

On Wednesday, Senior Staff Sergeant Lim Yew Chuan - a police veteran of 13 years - was jailed two weeks under the Police Force Act. He had pleaded guilty to neglecting his duty and disobeying police general orders that prohibit any interaction that might suggest personal self interest in the exercise of his official powers.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Grace Goh told the court that police had arrested Ms Jiang Qingfeng and three Vietnamese woman for working without valid work permits at karaoke lounge Club Armani in Jalan Sultan on Dec 12, 2009. At first, Jiang, who was here on a student pass, admitted to working at the club as a freelance hostess since her arrival that October. In a later statement, she changed her tune and said that she was at the club with friends to have fun.

Lim, 32, was appointed the investigating officer of her case and in January 2010, he recommended that no action be taken against Jiang as she was not working illegally as a hostess. However, the following month, the AGC instructed him to issue a stern warning to Jiang and the three Vietnamese women and to refer them to the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority for repatriation.

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