
Sunday, May 13, 2012

America's top police officers honored

President Barack Obama is honoring the nation's top police officers for their courage and sacrifice.

Obama praised the winners of a national police association award Saturday at a White House ceremony, paying tribute to officers who showed courage in the line of duty.

The president, joined by Vice President Joe Biden, said they were representative of the "sacrifices and that quiet courage" found in officers across the nation.

Recipients included 15 members of the Detroit Police Department who confronted a gunman who opened fire in a local precinct station; five Las Vegas officers who stopped an assailant who shot an officer at a Wal-Mart; and five New York City police detectives who rescued two cadets at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point who had become disoriented while rock climbing.

SOURCE: http://www.policeone.com/police-heroes/articles/5548697-Obama-honors-nations-top-police-officers?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
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