
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Yet another maid falls to her death, 8th case this year

An Indonesian maid fell to her death from the ninth floor of a Woodlands flat on Thursday, apparently while cleaning windows.

This is the eighth incident of a maid meeting such a fate this year. Last year, four maids died this way.

The latest incident happened at about 6.20pm at Block 801 Woodlands Street 81. A stool and cleaning materials were believed to have been found next to the window that the 25-year-old fell from.

A first-floor resident, who said he heard a loud thump, looked out of the window and saw the victim lying on a grass patch. 'She hit the roof of the small balcony attached to my flat first before falling onto the grass,' said the 18-year-old, who did not want to be named.

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