
Thursday, April 26, 2012

NDP 2012 to have biggest aerial show ever

This year's National Day Parade (NDP) will see one of the biggest aerial displays in the parade's history with nine F15 and F16 fighter jets weaving through the skies.

Singapore's 47th birthday will also feature the Republic of Singapore's navy warships performing a sea salute as announced by Colonel Desmond Tan on Wednesday, who chairs this year's NDP organising committee.

This year's three-act show on Aug 9, 2012 also marks the 45th year of National Service.

The theme for this year's NDP, held at The Float @ Marina Bay, is "Loving Singapore, Our Home" and its logo, known as the "Orchidstar", is inspired by Singapore's national flower, the "Vanda Miss Joaquim" orchid.

Col Tan, who is the Chief Guards Officer, said this year's theme "encourages all Singaporeans to reflect on what it means to love our country, what we appreciate about Singapore, and how each individual can express their love for the nation." 

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