
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Molester alert in CCK

A molester is said to lurk in Choa Chu Kang and he is targeting female students.

A rash of outrage of modesty cases in the north-western estate has spooked teenagers, parents and even schools.

Several schools have apparently issued warnings to their students to take precautions.

Most of the molest cases reportedly happened early this year.

The suspect is known to target school girls and carry out the act in HDB lifts, stairways and supermarkets, usually between noon to 5pm.

One parent, a 41 year-old tour guide known only as Madam Gao, said her son told her that an announcement was made during assembly about two weeks ago reminding students to be cautious about the alleged molester.

The school, who was not named, has also issued a notice to warn parents.

When contacted, several primary and secondary schools in Choa Chu Kang said they have been informed of the cases by the police.

However, they emphasised that none of their students have fallen prey.

The police have advised students to be careful and observe their surroundings.

Students are also reminded to stay calm and head to more crowded areas or contact the police if they suspect that they are being followed.

Students also should not get into elevators alone with strangers.

If they have to go home late, they should get a friend or family member to accompany them.

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