
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Expat blogger calls Singaporeans stupid

Singaporeans are stupid, and it is fortunate that the country's birth rate is so low, because they will die out faster this way. This was what an expat blogger wrote in a post on his blog.

The post, since discovered by a Netizen and posted on the citizen journalism website STOMP, caused furore among those in the online community here.

In his post, the blogger, who claims to be a Caucasian expat, said that he found Singaporeans stupid. He then commented that the country's birthrate is only about 1.25, and "hopefully they will die off soon enough".

The following sentences are extracted from the Caucasian's blog:

Continued here and here.

"But Singaporeans really are frustratingly stupid.

"Fortunately their birthrate is only about 1.25, so they will all die off soon enough.

"Hopefully the Chinese, Malays and Indians that replace them will be smarter.

"I don't like criticizing the intellectually handicapped, but in Singapore there would be few left others to criticize.

"Singaporeans don't seem to be able to think for themselves.

"An absolute herd mentality."

In an email message to STOMP, Netizen Jay said that if the blogger was so negative about Singapore, he should return to his home country.

Comments on the blog, however, ranged from praise to condemnation. Some Netizens said that they agreed with the blogger's views and that there are several genuine gripes that were highlighted in his post.

Others, however, said that since he disliked Singapore so much, he should simply leave the country and stop complaining or slighting the country and its people.

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