
Sunday, April 29, 2012

1 in 5 caught for drug abuse are students: CNB

One in five of those arrested for drug abuse in the 21 and under age group is a student, the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) told The New Paper.

More young abusers aged below 20 were arrested last year - from 79 in 2007 to 257 last year. That's not the only sobering statistic.

Those aged 16 and younger accounted for 64 of the youngsters arrested for drug abuse last year compared to 15 in 2007, posting the largest percentage increase.

It's a worrying trend, said Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Minister of State for Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs.

Many were expatriate students studying in international schools here.

Part of the growing drug problem appears to be the changing attitude towards drugs.

Mr Masagos said there is a worrying trend of a growing acceptance of "party drugs" as a lifestyle choice by young people.

Mr Masagos said the anti-drug abuse message will be taken to post-secondary institutions like the Institute of Technical Education, polytechnics and universities.

He said: "Youth need attention and supervision. Parents play a critical role in ensuring their children do not start experimenting with drugs."

He stressed that CNB will work through schools and the Internet to educate parents on the dangers and signs of drug abuse. Parents also have a role to play in supporting the rehabilitation and reintegration of their children after they have kicked the drug habit.

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