
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Woman arrested for soliciting, bribing police officers

Some people just don't know when to give up.

Not only has a 27-year-old female been arrested for soliciting to two police officers, she then tried to bribe them.

At about 12.30am Tuesday morning, Sergeant Fadzli and Sergeant Muhammed Aniq from Rochor Neighbourhood Police Centre were conducting anti-crime rounds in the vicinity of Rowell Road when they were approached by the suspect who offered them sexual services.

The officers identified themselves and she was placed under arrest for soliciting in public.

While awaiting transportation to Central Police Division, she offered the officers sums of $190 and US$300 (S$380) in return for her release and placed the money in Sergeant Muhammed Aniq's hand.

The officers rejected the bribe without hesitation, and the money was seized for investigations.

The suspect will be charged in court tomorrow for the offence of Soliciting in Public which carries a fine of up to $1,000.

She has also been referred to the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau for the offence of bribery.

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